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Wednesday 11 May 2011

Riverside Property Owners: What You Should Know

Owning a property on a picturesque waterway has a certain appeal to many people, however with this comes a number of responsibilities that owners must heed and should take into consideration. Although entitled riverside property owners, this article is not just for people that own land with adjacent rivers, but also streams and brooks, all of which require special attention. At first, someone may not be aware of these rights and responsibilities, but if a property is fortunate enough to have one of the aforementioned watercourses then the owner has a direct responsibility to maintain the river course, including the beds and banks, to ensure that the water flows without obstruction, in addition to controlling vegetation that may impinge on this. A "duty of care" is owed to other riverside owners, as well as to the environment and the wider community.
One concern that owners may have is soil erosion, and the potential problems that this may have on their property. Any plans to protect a property from this which may alter or disrupt the flow of water must be agreed by the Environment Agency prior to work being carried out. Being a riparian owner, the terminology for someone that owns land that contains a watercourse, means that water should flow naturally and not allow it to become polluted, this includes litter and animal carcasses, even if they do not originate from the property.
Another potential concern or drawback to owning such a property is the fact that because these premises are a lot closer to a water source, they are therefore more susceptible and liable to flooding. As the land owner, it is important that flood defences are maintained, and these are crucial for the protection of life and property, not only your own but also those living within close proximity. Once again the Environment Agency documents a range of resources which are useful for individuals that are in this predicament, and can be found on their website. It is important that riparian owners make their insurance company aware of their position, as in the event of flooding, their property potentially may not be covered. However, there are a number of insurance brokers that offer home flood insurance, it is just a case of finding the right one.
Fishing in these waters is allowed, although legal methods must be utilised and a valid license should be obtained from the Environment Agency. Also allowed is the removal of water, however extracting in excess of 4,400 gallons a day means that an abstraction license must be obtained. There are a number of rights and responsibilities that water side owners should abide by and these are documented in the Environment Agency's booklet entitled Living on the Edge. Not following the guidelines outlined in this document, and other legal requirements that should be met can result in legal action.
There is a wealth of comprehensive information about owning riverside properties on the Environment Agency's website, as well as them being available to answer questions that you may have.

Student Car Insurance: Saving Up on the Costs

Student car insurance is one major expense that should not be taken for granted. In fact, it is a serious expense for drivers under the age of 25. And because young adult drivers are recorded to be the top group incurring the highest accident rates, they are the most expensive to buy insurance for. It's a good thing however that with a little research and some resourcefulness, you can always find cheap car insurance coverage for your kid in college.
What You Can Do
As with anything we do with life, we always try to make it a point to consider the options that will allow us to cut on costs without severely compromising the quality. The same holds true when we are sending our kids to school generally or to college particularly--and when we're on the search for affordable student car insurance for them. Here are some helpful tips that should help you on your search for this:
  • Prioritize insurance companies that specially cater to the needs of college students. Unbeknownst to many, there are actually insurance providers and companies that specialize in handling insurance coverage particularly for the young adult group, which includes college students.
  • Get help online. It is sometimes confusing to think that most of the consumers today still refuse to take advantage of the resources online. This conservative type of consumers still opts to do things the hard way and call around on one insurance company to another to request for quotes. The modern consumer, on the other hand, would like to save much time and effort and will immediately go online to easily find the most appropriate student car insurance. Here, comparison sites will help you search around for quotes and have them weighted out against each other until you find the best one that can answer your student's car insurance needs.
  • Keep your grades up. From the moment you enroll yourself and your vehicle for an insurance policy until you graduate from college, you should be able to benefit from discounts given out to good students. This means that not only are you supposed to remain in school, you must also be able to maintain the grade point average that the insurance company requires you to. This may only save you some hundreds of dollars annually, but just the same, you and your parents are able to save.
  • Take advantage of discounts for low mileage or consider mile-limit insurance coverage. You can talk to your insurance agent about certain proposals concerning the use of reducing your mile coverage as you may not be driving your car that much when in school. Make sure however that you are able to comply with the rules that come with these policies as going over your limit will mean paying for expensive penalties and sometimes even the cancellation of the policy.
  • Have the car registered at your home address for cheaper student car insurance. This tip will be most helpful for those students who are driving with an insurance policy that is still part of the parents' insurance policy. Registering your vehicle with your school or college addresses will mean paying for higher premiums as congested areas almost always demand higher rates.

Top Tips to Help You Get Low Cost Car Insurance

The task of looking for low cost car insurance has never been this easy. Thanks to the thousands of insurance providers nowadays and the tough competition that exists in the automobile industry, getting yourself and your vehicle enrolled in the most appropriate insurance coverage is now a walk in the park. Anybody who opts to scout around for the most affordable car insurance will be happily bombarded with thousands of options from a great number of insurance companies. But to be able to qualify for cheaper car insurance policies, there are some points and tips that one should take into consideration. Let's look at some of these.
  • Your age is a big determinant when it comes to computing the premium for your car insurance. It is important to note that the younger the client is, the riskier he is. Compared to most parents, young adults like college students might be too young with no driving experience at all. Expect that getting insurance coverage for these groups of people will be a little expensive as they do not have any driving history to submit and show just yet.
  • Another point to consider when applying for a low cost car insurance policy is the distance that you have to drive to and from your work or school. Car insurance companies consider the risks you encounter when driving through traffic on your way to work or school. Hence, the closer you are to your workplace or school, the less risk it is for your insurance provider. This translates to paying lesser premiums for your vehicle insurance coverage.
  • Students also enjoy other options when it comes to getting car insurance. Many car insurance providers have specially allocated insurance packages for those students who are doing well in school and those who are good drivers. Here, they would set a standard grade point average that the students must maintain while also learning to drive safely. The downside of this however is that failing to maintain the required grades may mean paying extra for expensive penalties and sometimes even an outright cancellation of the policy.
  • Finding low cost car insurance is also easier when you are a good and excellent driver. Over time, when you are able to continue driving cautiously and safely and avoid getting into road accidents, getting tickets for over-speeding, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or just about any type of risky driving, then you will most likely be given big discounts on your insurance rates every year. So make sure to keep a squeaky clean driving history and record, and you are bound to find that very affordable car insurance policy that will always work favourably for you.
  • Other points to look into when searching for low cost car insurance include your car's safety and security system, where you park your car, and your chosen billing method. If your vehicle has a reliable alarm system, expect to get lower insurance rates. But when your car is only parked on the streets at night and not inside a garage, you are most likely to pay higher insurance rates for the risks you are exposing your vehicle to such as theft. Also, there are insurance companies who offer extra discounts for those clients who opt to go paperless and get all their bills only through email.

How to Purchase Car Insurance Coverage?

Before you purchase your insurance, you should shop around for a company that offers the best car insurance coverage for you. In general, most car insurance companies use similar or the same terms for most policies. The coverage's wording is also similar, even though they are provided from different companies. To purchase insurance, you should pay attention to the following factors below.
Who should you buy insurance from? The most important part in purchasing insurance is to select a reliable agent and broker. Agent is a direct representative of the insurance company. He sells insurance only for companies he represents. But a broker places insurance business through an agent of the company. It does not matter who you choose, but it's more important that the agent be experienced and cab be trusted.
How experience is a company? This is one of the most important things in a process of purchasing coverage. Companies should be able to explain all types of coverage thoroughly and advise what policy is best for you. Your insurance company should help you create a good protection plan with the least possible gaps. Also, a company should have the excellent claim services. A company should be good at claim time and strongly support your rights in a dispute.
What protection do you need? The minimum protection you should have is at least liability protection. It will protect you against the claim of others. Also, it is recommended that you have medical coverage, and physical damage insurance. And if your car is fairly new, you should have collision and damage insurance as well.
What limit should you carry? This question should be answered by an experienced representative who works for you. He should be able to give you the facts about insurance limit and what you should carry. The limit varies from person to person. Having the right limit for you can mean saving lots of money if you should need to file a claim.
How stable is company's financial? It's always a good idea to know about company's assets, liabilities and surplus before purchasing insurance from them. It's easy to get this information and you don't need to analyze these facts by yourself. You can request this information from a company adviser to show you the report of all financial status. So be sure to choose a company with financial strength.
By following these factors mentioned above, not only you can get that best car insurance coverage that fits your need, but also the best claim service from your car insurance company. And more likely, you will get car insurance best rate that you deserve.

Special Event Insurance Liability Coverage

Putting together an event can be stressful. Dates have to be set, guests invited and a building has to be reserved- not to mention the hard work that it takes to make sure that everything is flawless. But despite the best plans sometimes things don't work out- this is when event insurance comes in. Acquiring event insurance decreases your responsibility for accidents and presents you peace of mind knowing that you're taken care of if anything bad occurs.
What type of coverage does event liability insurance offer? That's determined by the sort of event you're holding. Underwriting a retirement party is different than covering a circus and you may not be able to find a one size fits all insurance plan that covers every type of event. Most insurers cover a wide range of events, but they have separate policies for each type, because each type of event poses different risks and needs a different level and type of coverage. Make sure you speak to a representative to ensure that you've chosen the right coverage type for your event before you purchase your event insurance. There are, however, a couple parts that all insurances share.
First, event insurance primarily protects you, the facility and oftentimes a couple important guests. It is not made to cover people you contract to work at your event. For example, the caterer for your event ought to have their own liability insurance because your insurance most likely won't insure them.
In addition, liability insurance covers you primarily damage to your property and bodily injury claims. A few underwriters add host liquor liability while other insurers bill extra for that type of coverage. Event cancellation and inclement weather protection may also be purchased, but most of the time isn't built in with the general liability policy.
Buying event insurance isn't just a good idea- it's also mandatory for many venues. It's a breeze to find a underwriter online who focuses on the kind of event that you're planning to hold and many of them feature online pages that you are able to fill out for a quote. The price of the policy be determined by how dangerous the event is, the number of people attending and the length of the event.
Just remember- the amount you spend on the insurance policy is always cheaper than the amount you'll have to shell out if anything bad happens and you're uninsured!