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Wednesday 11 May 2011

Student Car Insurance: Saving Up on the Costs

Student car insurance is one major expense that should not be taken for granted. In fact, it is a serious expense for drivers under the age of 25. And because young adult drivers are recorded to be the top group incurring the highest accident rates, they are the most expensive to buy insurance for. It's a good thing however that with a little research and some resourcefulness, you can always find cheap car insurance coverage for your kid in college.
What You Can Do
As with anything we do with life, we always try to make it a point to consider the options that will allow us to cut on costs without severely compromising the quality. The same holds true when we are sending our kids to school generally or to college particularly--and when we're on the search for affordable student car insurance for them. Here are some helpful tips that should help you on your search for this:
  • Prioritize insurance companies that specially cater to the needs of college students. Unbeknownst to many, there are actually insurance providers and companies that specialize in handling insurance coverage particularly for the young adult group, which includes college students.
  • Get help online. It is sometimes confusing to think that most of the consumers today still refuse to take advantage of the resources online. This conservative type of consumers still opts to do things the hard way and call around on one insurance company to another to request for quotes. The modern consumer, on the other hand, would like to save much time and effort and will immediately go online to easily find the most appropriate student car insurance. Here, comparison sites will help you search around for quotes and have them weighted out against each other until you find the best one that can answer your student's car insurance needs.
  • Keep your grades up. From the moment you enroll yourself and your vehicle for an insurance policy until you graduate from college, you should be able to benefit from discounts given out to good students. This means that not only are you supposed to remain in school, you must also be able to maintain the grade point average that the insurance company requires you to. This may only save you some hundreds of dollars annually, but just the same, you and your parents are able to save.
  • Take advantage of discounts for low mileage or consider mile-limit insurance coverage. You can talk to your insurance agent about certain proposals concerning the use of reducing your mile coverage as you may not be driving your car that much when in school. Make sure however that you are able to comply with the rules that come with these policies as going over your limit will mean paying for expensive penalties and sometimes even the cancellation of the policy.
  • Have the car registered at your home address for cheaper student car insurance. This tip will be most helpful for those students who are driving with an insurance policy that is still part of the parents' insurance policy. Registering your vehicle with your school or college addresses will mean paying for higher premiums as congested areas almost always demand higher rates.

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