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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Five Steps To Cheaper Pet Insurance

1. Neutering
If your pet is not already neutered or spayed, lower the cost of your pet insurance by having the procedure done. Neutering / spaying is far more affordable than the cost of dealing with a litter born to your pet, and most insurers will lower your monthly premium if your pet has been "done".
What's more, there are numerous health benefits for a neutered pet, so there's really no reason not to go ahead with it. Many charities, shelters and even vets will offer discounts or easy-pay schemes to make neutering all the more affordable.
2. Microchipping
Microchipping is a simple procedure that can both provide peace of mind and lower your pet insurance premiums. A small, flexible disc is inserted into the back of your pet's neck. Your contact details are loaded on to the disc (also known as a "chip", hence the phrase microchipping), and when the disc is scanned the owner details will appear. This means it's easier for a shelter or veterinary practice to track you should your animal somehow end up in their possession, and lessens the fear in insurance companies who offer policies providing finance for a leaflet and posting campaign in the event your pet goes missing.
3. Use Sparingly
Realistically, pet insurance should only be used for major costs that run into the hundreds or thousands of dollars / pounds. If your dog has a simple eye infection, for example, with treatment costing £40 / $60, it's better for your policy that you pay this yourself rather than claiming on insurance.
This may seem to negate the very idea of pet insurance, but remember your excess will usually be at least £25 / $40, so you're not losing that much at all realistically. It's only when vet fees start to become extortionate should your insurance be called upon; see it as an emergency fund, rather than a fund for day-to-day expenses. If you do claim for small amounts, your premiums will rise.
4. General Health Maintenance
You should treat your pet for fleas every four weeks, and for worms every three months. These are simple, inexpensive tasks that could save you a lot of money in terms of vet consultations for what are basically minor complaints.
Try and bathe your pet every time the season changes, so four times a year in total. Check their skin, mouth, eyes, nose and ears thoroughly; the sooner you spot a problem, the cheaper the treatment will be. If pet is over a certain age, feed them an age-specific diet, and alter a diet if an intolerance begins to display itself.
All of the above make a visit to the vet less likely, and thus less claim on your policy.
5. Indoor Cat
Cat owners, if you wish to instantly lower your pet insurance policy, consider turning your cat into an 'indoor' cat. This will lower your policy as you will not need the extra cover due to the dangers of the outside world, and is generally considered a good step for overall health. Most cats do adjust to being indoor cats eventually, so give it a try.

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