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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

President Reduces Self Employed Maternity Income With Stroke of Pen

President Obama wiped out maternity leave income for thousands of self employed women with the stroke of a pen - only he didn't know it. And neither did anyone else, except for maybe this writer. In April, 2011 President Obama signed legislation repealing a controversial segment of the year old Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Under the terms of this law, all businesses would have been required to issue a 1099 statement to all vendors of goods and services during the year which total more than $600.
Unknown to almost everybody in the world - except those lucky few reading this article - the repeal hurt self employed women needing maternity leave income. Allow me to connect the dots: short term disability insurance creates maternity leave income, coverage is available to groups offering voluntary benefits, 1099 workers can comprise a group, but the legislation inadvertently winnowed the population of 1099 workers.
Short Term Disability Insurance Creates Maternity Leave Pay
Short term disability insurance helps women create maternity leave pay. It replaces a portion of income for injuries and illnesses that cause you to miss work. Normal delivery after a normal pregnancy is a covered illness. Vaginal delivery pays a six week benefit, and a c-section delivery pays an eight week benefit - less the elimination period. The benefit for normal delivery may greatly exceed the premium paid, plus the policy covers mom in case of missed time due to complications prior to delivery, and postpartum disorders which may extend the time needed to recover.
Only Available Through Groups
Women planning a pregnancy can buy a short term disability policy and expect to receive a benefit when everything goes according to plan: get pregnant, have a healthy pregnancy, delivery a happy and healthy baby. In addition there are four other ways the policy may pay a benefit: pregnancy complications, postpartum disorders, accidents, and illnesses. It's a great deal for any women planning to get pregnant.
It's not such a great deal for the insurance carrier. The insurer stands to lose a significant sum on a planned event. Insurance is meant to protect against the unexpected. So these policies are only sold through group as voluntary employee benefits. Employees pay the premium through a payroll deduction.
1099 Workers Help Form a Group
Many self employed women need short term disability coverage for the reasons listed above. But they find it difficult to find coverage because they are not part of an employer group - or so they think. Some insurers who issue short term disability will include 1099 workers as part of the group definition. Many self employed women already get paid as 1099 workers. Others may not, but pay vendors and other providers during the course of the year. A "self employed" women issuing two or more 1099 statements may qualify as a group
Fewer Small Groups after Repeal
The greater number of 1099 statements that are issued, the great the number of employer groups qualified to offer coverage there might be. Had the legislation remained in effect, there might have been an explosion in 1099 statements, and a corresponding growth in 1099 based groups that might be able to purchase short term disability insurance as a voluntary employee benefit program. Alas, the repeal reduced paperwork requirements for many; but dashed the hope for maternity leave income for others.
Meanwhile, a little publicity surrounding 1099 worker relationships may help a few self employed people find coverage they qualified for already - but they just didn't know how insurers define groups. Now they do.

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