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Tuesday 3 May 2011

Why Do I Pay High Taxi Insurance Premiums?

There are several reasons why you would fall into the category of people who pay high premiums for taxi insurance. This industry makes an objective assessment of the risks that you represent. They will therefore make a conclusive judgment on the payments that are required under the terms and conditions. These are some of the reasons why you could still be paying very high premiums despite your safe status.
1. You are too young: Anyone that is older than 21 years of age can get taxi insurance. However that does not necessarily imply that you get the same rate as older people. The most expensive age range starts at twenty one years of age and ends at twenty five years of age. Statistical data indicates that this group has a high propensity to be involved in motor accidents. There are different explanations including hormonal changes and inexperience. Nonetheless, this category of drivers has to put up with higher prices than the rest of the population.
2. You are too old: There comes a time when you are simply too old to get taxi insurance. Nearer that age, you will find that the premiums continue to rise. For example an applicant at 75 years of age needs to prove that they are physically capable of driving and that they are not barred by the authorities. Despite all those assurances, the premium for the taxi insurance can still be very high on the basis that they are still likely to be involved in an accident.
3. You are male: For certain biological and social reasons, young men are considered to be reckless drivers. Of course there are statistical anomalies which indicate that this theory is not really foolproof. Nonetheless the overwhelming evidence is that young men below the age of twenty five years of age tend to have more incidents on the road than their female counterparts. The dynamics of the conclusion are not as important as the fact that they have to pay high taxi insurance premiums.
4. You are too inexperienced: You need to have driven for at least one year before there will be consideration of taxi insurance. However the premium will largely depend on the experience of driving. If you have been on the road for 10 years, the chances are that you will have learnt several things. Therefore the insurance company can be fairly confident that you will not commit silly mistakes during your work. That is why you get discounts on the taxi insurance premium that you have to pay.
5. You have a bad driving record: There are indicators that drivers involved in accidents are likely to repeat the bad habits that brought them to that stage in the first place. Therefore the taxi insurance provider will look at your record prior to making a decision to offer you coverage. If it is shaky then they might decline the business opportunity. It is important that you drive carefully in order to reduce the risk of claiming regularly on the policy. Your caution will save you money in the long run.
6. You live in a crime spot: The locality that you reside or work in has been held to be a relevant factor in determining the rate of taxi insurance that you will be paying. Instead of changing homes, you can take some security measures such as parking your car in a secure space. This will bring some discounts on your package. It will also ensure that you are likely to get coverage. There have been incidents where the providers have flatly declined to take up the application on the basis of high risk.

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