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Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Young Drivers Car Insurance - Beating The Quotes

They should turn finding cheap young drivers insurance into a computer game; it's probably more challenging than most. Whether you are a young driver, or one of your brood has just attempted to fly the nest and discovered they can't afford to, you'll be keen to save as much money as possible when it comes to car insurance. The following tips may help!
Additional Driving lessons
Take a Pass Plus course. This is an advanced driving course that covers aspects of driving the standard tests misses out. Night driving, driving in the countryside and driving in poor weather conditions are all covered. The course takes six hours and there may be help with funding available from some local authorities. The cost of insurance can be reduced by up to 30% in some cases, and considering that the most expensive young drivers insurance can be several thousand pounds, this can make a huge difference.
Security matters
If possible, keep your car on a private drive or better still a garage. This will make a difference in the cost of insurance. Adding an immobiliser and/or tracking device will also help. The more security measures you can tick on the application for insurance the better!
Driving Grandma
Pay for the policy in one lump sum. Cunningly aligning your renewal date and birthday can work wonders here, especially if you have doting parents or grandparents who may foot part of your bill as a great birthday present. Be aware that grannies insurance can be as costly as young drivers insurance and they may want you to start driving them about in return for a hand-out. This is fine, normally, but retired people don't have to get up for work and dinner-dances can go on well into the night.
Clean up your act
Drive well. This is an insurance lowering trick that even quite intelligent people forget. You may think that driving offences may add to your street cred in the same way as a minor ASBO, but they are far more costly. By all means wear a hoodie and hang around menacingly on street corners, but observe speed limits, don't drink and drive and don't use your mobile phone whilst driving.
Pulling power
Start your driving career with an old banger. An older, lower powered car may not be a pulling machine, but it will mean you can save money on your car insurance allowing you to spend more time pulling in clubs and bars. An expensive modified car will mean you spend more time working overtime than looking cool.
Flying the nest
If you are a safe and careful driver then your car insurance costs will fall over time. After your first year of safe, penalty free driving you will even have developed something called a 'no claims bonus'. Hang on to this any way that you can and year on year your insurance will become cheaper allowing you to fly the nest, without granny in tow.

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